Tuesday, February 6, 2018

6th of February 2018 - Duty Calls

7 Spey Terrace
Telephone: 0131-550 0895
E-mail: JohnEDouglas@gmail.com
Blog: http://johneoindouglas.blogspot.com/ 
6th of February 2018

Dear Sir/Madam,

It would be no bad thing were exiting the customs union to lead to the re-introduction of the customs officer and his traditional stick of chalk which, in skilled hands, was a great discouragement to smuggling of illegal drugs and other contraband.

What concerns me is the distinct possibility that we could see the return of Duty Free sales of alcohol and tobacco to travellers. Use of these harmful drugs is something that should be deprecated and Brexit should not be used as an excuse to promote their consumption and enrich their producers.

John Eoin Douglas