7 Spey Terrace
Telephone: 0131-550 0895
E-mail: JohnEDouglas@gmail.com
Blog: http://johneoindouglas. blogspot.com/
14th of September 2013Edinburgh
Telephone: 0131-550 0895
E-mail: JohnEDouglas@gmail.com
Blog: http://johneoindouglas.
Dear Sir/Madam,
of the things that I have noticed over the years whilst driving through
Cumbria is the draconian enforcement of motoring legislation by police
on the M6.
I was surprised, therefore, whilst
strolling through Carlisle the other evening during a short holiday, to
discover that the city has some of the most unruly pedal cyclists that I
have ever encountered. Over half of those on the road were neither
illuminated to front nor rear. And several were riding on the pavement
at speed - one even swore at me when I chose not to get out of his way
with sufficient alacrity.
I am well accustomed to
dealing with scofflaw pedalists in Edinburgh and have found the
accidental introduction of a stout walking stick between the spokes of
their machines to be a most effective way of combating their dangerous
However, walking sticks are expensive and to
be resorted to only if the police fail to do their job. Over to you
Cumbria Constabulary!
John Eoin Douglas